Yesterday I went to see the Rene Magritte exhibition at the Tate Liverpool. It was fantastic.
But the problem was that it reminded me of what happened two years ago on the same dock when visiting Liverpool for a Uni open day.
Once the open day was over I had time to kill so I decided to walk around Albert Dock which I'd been to before and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Whilst walking past a gift shop that sold naval models and Beatles memorabilia, I noticed ahead of me a poster.
The poster was like Magrittes 'The Son of Man' but with a burger in front of the face instead of an apple, and I was blown away, I thought it was brilliant.
I felt it was poking fun at fast food shops and making a point about modern obesity.
It was saying junk food is now where fruit should be.
I thought I'd never seen such a perfect piece of artwork.
But then I realised I was staring at a burger shop and that this was an advert for it.
Never has my opinion changed so quickly. It immediately lost all its charm and wit, I felt betrayed.
The conception of the idea which in my mind started as 'Lets show how society has changed whilst paying homage a great painting' had become 'What's famous that we can put a burger on?'.
I wouldn't be surprised to see The Mona Lisa eating some nuggets, Van Goghs Sunflowers covered in chips or Michelangelos David holding a bucket of chicken.